Middle School

Weekly Update

Week of September 8th


Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape
Speech Bubble

Friday is a ​B Day

Watercolor Ruby-throated hummingbird
Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape


Thursday, 9/26: Open House (& Chicken Dinner)

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Office Updates

From Mrs. Lomax

The school year is off to a great start! Our teachers and staff have been working hard to create a positive and engaging learning environment for all of ​our students. We have already seen great enthusiasm and participation from our students, and we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.

As partners in your child's education, we kindly ask you to take a moment to review our Code of Conduct HERE. This document outlines the expectations ​and guidelines for behavior at our school. It is important that both students and parents are familiar with these guidelines to ensure a safe and ​respectful learning environment for everyone.

I also encourage you to stay connected with us through our school website, Facebook Page, and school app. These platforms will provide you with ​timely updates, event notifications, and a window into the daily life of our school.

Office Updates

From Mrs. Campbell in the Nurse’s Office


New York State requires all 6th grade students to have documentation of receiving the Tdap booster by age 11 (minimum age 10). All students entering 7th Grade are ​required to have 1 dose of the Meningococcal vaccine prior to the start of school.. Check with your child’s doctor’s office to make sure all required vaccines are up to ​date. To learn more, please visit the Health Office page on the school’s website.


It can be hard to know when to send children to school if they tell you that they do not feel well. There are some times when keeping them home to rest or calling your ​healthcare provider is recommended.

Specifically, please keep your child home if they have these symptoms:

  • Fever (100°F or greater) *They should be fever-free without the use of medication for 24 hours before they return to school.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting in the last 24 hours
  • Symptoms that prevent them from participating in school, such as-
    • Excessive tiredness or lack of appetite
    • Productive or severe coughing
    • Headache, body aches, earache
    • Severe sore throat

In cases where medication has been prescribed, the first dose should always be given at home, and your child may need to stay home until they have completed 24 ​hours of the prescribed medication. Please check with your child’s doctor or call the School Nurse with any questions.

5th Grade

5th Grade Daily Planner Please check your students’ take home folders and planners with them daily.

Science: 5th grade science begins with an investigation of shadows in order to understand the movement of the Earth in space. Many kids have a lot of ​enthusiasm for learning science, so asking them what they did in class a few times a week is a great way to open up conversations about school more ​generally.

6th Grade

Here is a link to the planner-please bookmark this page.

ELA: It has been wonderful getting to know your students! Next week, we will start brainstorming our six word memoirs. We will also start our first novel, The Lightning ​Thief. Look for an email this weekend or early next week with more details.

Math: We are off to a good start; we did activities to develop our Growth Mindset. Next week we will start our first unit using whole numbers in a variety of ways. We will ​also start using the Reflex program to work on fact fluency. There won’t be any Math homework next week.

Science: Had a great couple of days meeting the new crew. Students completed a couple of seating challenges that depended on teamwork and communication. We ​went over what we’d be investigating this year and class expectations. Lastly we set up our classroom norms and agreed how we all wanted to coexist with each other. ​Students discussed how oars and anchors are different, and we all agreed that we need to be oars in order to get us to where we need to go this year. Everyone signed ​the classroom oar that will be displayed all year as a reminder of our promise to each other. We start science on Monday when we will investigate a weather phenomena.

Social Studies: Sixth grade social studies is focused on ancient civilizations in the eastern hemisphere. We will begin our studies reviewing map skills. Students will also ​be creating their own autobiography island. They will put their map skills to use by making an island all about them, this is a great opportunity for them to show us what ​they are interested in inside and outside of school.

7th Grade

Please have students bring a water bottle to school everyday.

Science: Our science class made vision boards of our goals for the year. The boards were beautiful combinations of pictures, quotes, and writing.

ELA 7: We went to the library on Friday, and students selected books that they will be reading. They will record their reading minutes and need to bring their books to ​class each day. This coming week we will do a deep dive into the benefits of reading and setting our reading goals. Thank you for encouraging your seventh grader to ​read each day.

Rattenborg’s Small Class ELA 7: Welcome back to our first full week of school! Last week we studied the prefix a- and the words alike and aloud. We wrote about and ​discussed ways we are alike and how we are different. We will move into discussing how our differences make us stronger.

Math 7 & Pre-Algebra: This week we got used to our weekly schedule. Students received their course outline. View it here. Next week we will begin our schedule ​outside of class work, following the grade level schedule. View next week’s schedule which includes the links to IXL skills.

You may view all of these things on one link by visiting our class website.

8th Grade

Science 8: We are off to a great start! Course Outline sheets should have come home on Friday - please look over with your student. We will begin our chemistry unit this ​coming week. Be sure your student has all their supplies for class - folder, composition notebook, and a pencil. Let me know if you need any support in getting these ​things.

Regents Earth Science: We are off to a great start! Course Outline sheets should have come home on Friday - please look over with your student. We begin our first lab on ​density this coming week.

Rattenborg’s Small Class ELA: Welcome back to our first full week of school! Last week we studied the prefix a- and the words alike and aloud. We wrote about and ​discussed ways we are alike and how we are different. We will move into discussing how our differences make us stronger.

Social Studies: This coming week students will be answering the question, “Why study history?” and working on identifying all 50 states (a little refresher).

Health: It’s been great seeing your kids again! This week kicks off with a wellness inventory and reflection assignment giving students a chance to see their areas of ​strength and places for improvement in their personal health. Next students will examine how they support their wellness in a few domains. And finally, we’ll put to ​practice ways of determining the accuracy and reliability of health websites. Please review and sign the course description (pink sheets) to be turned in on Mon, 9/9.

Clubs & Activities

Student Council

Any 8th graders interested in running together for president and vice-​president of student council, please see Mr. Begeal in room 306 or ​Ms. Salib in room 302

Washington, D.C. Trip

We had a great Grassroots parking fundraiser this year. Thank you to ​families and students that helped out. Planning for this year’s trip is ​well under way and we will be meeting with all 8th graders in the ​coming weeks to relay information and expectations for attending ​this year’s trip. Please consider supporting the chicken bbq that will ​take place before the MS Open House on Thursday September 26th. ​A flier with details and ordering information will be coming home ​next week. Get your order in ASAP to secure your dinners & thank you ​for your support.


Taughannock Soccer Club

Tues/Thurs Practice 5:30-7:00 @ Tburg High School

8 Weekend Games Sept/Oct


My player is in 7th grade but born 2012. Can they do both school ​modified and travel soccer?

Yes! TSC coaches are flexible with practices and players that are ​doubling up can take travel practice off as needed.

Can my player try out a practice to see if she likes it?

Yes! Players can attend 1 to 2 practices to see what they think ​before registering.

My player has never played soccer before. Is it too late to start?

No! This is a great time to start playing soccer. Field and team ​size is adjusted down from the full size at the next age level, so ​it’s a good entry point. And it’s a great way to meet new friends.

Registration & information at taughannocksoccer.com.

Or contact us at info@taughannocksoccer.com.

Girls Who Code

Are you a middle school or high school student? Want to change the world with your fingertips? Come ​join us and bring your ideas to life with the power of coding!

We are excited to announce that registration for our Fall 2024 Girls Who Code program is now open! ​Students will be able to attend free weekly classes where they can learn the basics of computer ​science by using software and hardware to create their own projects and tackle real-world problems. ​The class is open to all genders. No experience necessary!

Come to our first class on Sunday, September 15th and learn more about the exciting projects you ​will make and skills you will gain from joining the program. If you're interested, please fill out this ​form: bit.ly/WICC-GWC-Spring2024


Beginner: Sundays starting September 15th from 1pm-2:30pm

Intermediate: Sundays starting September 15th from 3:30pm-5:00pm

Location: Cornell University, Mann Library B30A

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us at girlswhocode@cornell.edu.

More information can also be found on our website https://wicc.cornell.edu/#/outreach.

Feel free to follow our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/wiccgwc/.


Ulysses Philomathic Library

Building Contacts

Main Office: 607-387-2825

Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425

Nurse's Office: 607-387-2827

Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449

Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist

Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant

Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker

Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor

IT Help: help@tburgschools.on.spiceworks.com or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)

Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson, gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us