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Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape
Watercolor autumn pumpkin

Weekly Update

Week of October 15th


Thursday, October 19th: 11:30 dismissal

Friday, October 20th: conference day

Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape

Middle School

Office Updates

From Ms. Amodeo

Along with a number of other documents, progress reports from the first five weeks of school were mailed home on Friday. Please keep an eye out for this mailing and discuss it with your student.

Parent-Teacher conferences are currently being scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday, 10/19, and the morning of Friday, 10/20. If you would like to meet with your student’s entire team, call the Student Services Office at (607) 387 7551 x1449 to schedule an appointment. Alternatively, you can contact individual teachers with specific questions and/or concerns.

All students will be dismissed at 11:30 on Thursday, 10/19. There is no school on Friday, 10/20.

From Mr. Megivern

Hello families! You may have heard about the social-emotional learning program we use here at Trumansburg. It’s called RULER, and it stands for Recognize, Understand, Label, Express, and Regulate – the five key skills and strategies of emotional intelligence. As part of RULER, teachers and staff are issuing You Rule cards to students who act in ways that uphold and support their grade-level charter. An action or behavior that is noticed by a staff member gets recorded on a You Rule card, along with the student’s name, and is then put in a box in the student services office. The plan is to have a random drawing live on the announcements about once per month, where students’ cards will be pulled (two per grade level) and those students will be recognized and awarded a special prize. All the You Rule cards that have been submitted will then be issued to the students who earned them. Cards are flying into the student services office already, and our first drawing is scheduled for Friday, November 17, so stay tuned!

To learn more about the RULER program, click HERE.

School Nutrition

Though school meals are no longer subsidized for every student, free and reduced-priced meals are available to those who qualify. The application can be found HERE.

To add funds to your child’s school lunch account, you can use our online system at MySchoolBucks or you can send a check directly to the TCSD Food Service Department. Students may always pay cash if they choose to as well.

What’s for lunch? Check My School Menus

5th Grade

5th Grade Daily Planner (Please bookmark for your use).

Please check your students’ planners with them daily. We had less than 50% of practice work completed this week.

ELA: This week students began to work on their individual reading skills with iReady. Every 2nd and 4th week of the month, students will be asked to pass their next MY Path lesson on iReady. This individualized work will help students continue to grow at their own pace. Please encourage students to take their time through the lessons and complete them with integrity. Our reading in Front Desk persists as we learn about an opportunity Mia has to take control of her life. We also began character studies of Mia, Mr. Yao, Hank and Jason in class.

Math: This past week we learned the rules for adding and subtracting decimals. Students were able to practice these skills in a variety of ways like: working with groups at our vertical whiteboards, completing problems in our problem set, answering questions on jamboards and finding errors in problems during station work. Next, we will be multiplying decimals by single digit whole numbers.

Social Studies: This week we began working on our presentation project for our Early Americans research project. We used Book Creator cooperatively so that each research team could present their knowledge.

Science: Our study of astronomy has focused on patterns, including the patterns of our shadows from the movement of the sun, and the pattern of moon phases. Can you think of other patterns in your children’s lives to talk about? We’re about to switch from the moon to the entire solar system, so get ready for a lot of giggling about the name of the 7th planet from the sun.

Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule 5th graders have started playing their instruments for real this week! They are working on playing and articulating (saying “too”) several different pitches in preparation for Hot Cross Buns! Please continue to encourage about 10 minutes of practicing a day.

THRIVE: After-school tutoring starts Monday 10/16. Fill out this form to sign-up.

6th Grade

6th grade planner (please bookmark this link)

Social Studies: We had so much fun this week performing the Odyssey play. Students had fun making props and performing for their classes. We also started talking about the government in Ancient Greece. See the photos below!

Math: Students in math started the distributive property. It is a hard concept for many students and we will continue to work on it next week. Students also learned two methods to find Greatest Common Factor. Ask them to show you the two methods.

Science: This week our focus turned to figuring out what is in air, where did all the water in the air come from and how did it get there? Students investigated different types of surfaces and collected data about the amount of water evaporated from each. We ended the week with trying to figure out what happens to the evaporated water when it gets to the colder parts of the atmosphere. Our trout tank is set up and we are awaiting the arrival of the eggs towards the end of the month.

ELA: We have been busy in ELA! Students finished the rough draft of their six word memoir essay. We are continuing to read Lightning Thief and find allusions to Greek Mythology. We also learned a new vocabulary process to help build our vocabulary and learn unknown words. Remind your students to keep annotating while they are reading.

Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule 6th grade band did a wonderful job sight-reading “A Festive Fanfare” this week. Playing a piece for the first time and maintaining several independence shows big growth for these young players! Bravo!

THRIVE: After-school tutoring starts Monday 10/16. Fill out this form to sign-up.

The Odyssey

7th Grade

7th Grade Digital Planner (Please bookmark this link.)

Please remind students to bring pencils, their Chromebook charger, and a water bottle to school.

Science: This week we compared and contrasted the structures in plant and animal cells. We observed plant cells under the microscope using a local aquatic plant. We observed animal cells under the microscope using our own cheek cells. Next week, we will continue to learn about plant and animal cell structures.

ELA 7: We began reading Hello, Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly. This novel offers many lessons, including how we each have our own perspective as the book is written from four perspectives, including the bully, which will open up our discussions about bullying. In order to be able to fully participate in class, students need to read the assigned reading each night. Please see the digital planner for the reading calendar. Thank you for encouraging your 7th grader to complete read each night!

Math: Both Math 7 and Pre-Algebra had their first unit assessment for Ratios & Proportions on Friday. The Pre-Algebra class test also included scientific notation. We start our second unit called The Number System next week. Please read our Units Page on our website for more information about what has been happening in our classroom. Students are also learning to use their calendar feature in Google Classroom and to check their assignments there. Ask them to give you a tour around so you can see what they see in their Google Classrooms. Here is a video demo of getting around in Google Classroom. Our next unit will require us to have very strong math fact fluency. Anything you can do to reinforce/practice this at home is AMAZING for us all!

Social Studies: We spent this week investigating the first English colonies in North America, Roanoke Island and Jamestown. We learned how difficult it was for early settlers to survive by close reading primary and secondary source documents, and we demonstrated our new knowledge by writing our first essay!

Health: This week Health classes will continue a focus on violence prevention. Did you know that October is National Bully Prevention Month? Please encourage your child to wear orange on Wednesday in solidarity against bullying. Lessons will outline ways to be an upstander (not simply a bystander), analyze a teen-created tool to interrupt bullying, and discussions born from a video entitled, “Are you okay?”

World Languages (Ms. Cederstrom) Last week, the students worked on improving and learning more vocabulary related to identity. They also began performance assessments to track their progress. They did a great job at counting from 0-13 on their first performance assessment. In the upcoming weeks, we will continue to prepare for and engage in performance assessments related to the theme of expressing one’s identity.

Chorus: Lesson Schedule MP1 (9.25.23) NEW GROUPS as of 10/10

Music: This week we will be continuing our work with genre identification by ear, and using the elements of music to describe what we hear. We will start work on ‘Genre Activity #3’ (posted in GC) where students will pick an artist of their choice to answer some short research questions about. We will present our findings to the class.

7/8 Band: Students have 2 band pieces to be practicing with a 3rd coming this week! Ask your student to play them for you.

Concert Dates/Course Outline

7/8 Band Lesson Schedule/Groups- week of 10/16

8th Grade

Science 8: We learned more about the Periodic Table of Elements and the types of elements found on the table.

Regents Earth Science: We have begun studying minerals. Students are testing out the properties of minerals and using those characteristics to help identify them.

ELA 8: Students should be finishing Ben Mikaelsen’s realistic fiction Touching Spirit Bear this week. Today, we placed into sequential order significant quotes from chapters 15-20, then read 21 together. Students are expected to have guided reading questions completed by next Thursday, 10/19. Thursday, we’ll be looking at symbolism in the novel, before wrapping up with Plot and Theme next week. Friday, we visited the MS library to exchange independent reading books (Oct. - horror, mystery/suspense, sci-fi)

Social Studies: We wrap up our unit on Westward expansion by looking at a variety of short videos that illustrate what Native Americans are doing today to revive their culture. Then we move on to our next unit: Imperialism.

8th World Languages (Ms. Cederstrom) Students have been doing a great job preparing for their "Box of Awesome" Presentational Speaking Assessment, which most students will present early this week. Each student practiced their presentation multiple times in small groups, providing and receiving positive feedback and identifying areas that require more practice. Students should feel proud of their progress so far this year.

Chorus: Lesson Schedule MP1 (9.25.23) NEW GROUPS as of 10/10

7/8 Band: Students have 2 band pieces to be practicing with a 3rd coming this week! Ask your student to play them for you.

Concert Dates/Course Outline

7/8 Band Lesson Schedule/Groups- week of 10/16

Clubs & Activities

Student Council

Our next student council meeting will be Tuesday Oct. 17th after school. We will be finalizing plans for Spirit Week - Oct. 23rd - 27th as well as plans for the 6-8 dance on Friday Oct. 27th from 6-8pm. We will be holding a 5th grade dance party after school on Thursday Oct. 26th until 3:30. All students interested in being a part of Student Council should attend this meeting. Free snacks! Hope to see you there.

Any student who needs to ride the late bus needs to fill out a late bus form by 1:30 on the day they want to ride. Contact advisors Bill Begeal or Nadine Salib to get signed up for the bus.

Ski Club

Ski club will be starting January 7th, 2024.

Sign up on-line. Go to\school and select your school from the dropdown.

Fliers coming home soon. Please reach out to Erin Kaplan (for grades k-6) and Nadine Salib (grades 7-12). Space is limited, so those who sign up first will have priority.


Modified Boys Basketball and Modified Girls Volleyball will start on October 23, 2023. Registration is now open on Family ID. You can find more information on our Athletics homepage at; just click on the basketball towards the bottom of the page and look for a big blue box titled Winter Sports Sign-Ups. There you will find registration information.


Yearbook Club will meet in the Media room (Next to the Tech room) on Thursday, October 26th, from 3-4:00pm.

*Students who ride the bus will be dismissed at 3:35pm to get on the late bus. Students getting picked up/walking home will be dismissed at 4pm.

Any student participating in Yearbook Club who needs to ride the late bus must email advisors Lisa Magee or Tammy Parker by 12:00pm on the day of the meeting -OR- sign up on the goldenrod paper copy outside of room 211 or in the Counseling office (also by NOON the day of the meeting).

Meeting Dates:

October 26th

November 9th, 16th, and 30th

December 7th & 21st

Order your Middle School Yearbook Now!

Click YEARBOOKORDERCENTER and use school code 18914


Clubs & Activities

8th Grade D.C. Trip

The next month is full of activity!! Read on for all the details!

Sat. 10/21 LATIN AMERICAN FIESTA Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts (TCFA) presents a Dia de los Muertos art workshop from 3-4:30 pm in the TCFA Art Lab downstairs (all ages, free to attend). Upstairs from 4:30-7:30 pm, the Trumansburg PTO will sell food and beverages along with providing free music and dancing.

Delicious, authentic Latino-Carribean dishes available. Pre-orders are appreciated and will be taken through 10/18. Take dinners to go or stay to eat and enjoy Latin American music and dancing! A free Latin dance lesson with TCFA teacher Samantha Johnson is scheduled from 5:30-6:00, ending with a Dia de Los Muertos line dance for all to enjoy. Proceeds support the Trumansburg PTO. Pre-order here:

Community Halloween Costume Exchange at the Ulysses Philomathic Library until 10/31. Please leave clean, gently used Halloween costumes that you're through with (hangers appreciated!) in the back entryway anytime during library hours. And/or stop in and take a "new to you" costume!

Sat. 10/21: Come visit PTO's table at the library's Community Day and feel free to drop donations then as well! (we will also be collecting winter gear donations).

Wed. 10/25 at 6 PM: PTO Meeting (free childcare provided!) Held in the Elementary School STEAM room, children in the library.

Friday 11/3/23: 6:30-8:30 pm MIDDLE SCHOOL ROLLER SKATING PARTY in the Elementary School gym. $5/skater if bringing own skates, $7 includes skate rental.

Questions? Please email

Follow us on Facebook and at our events page for the most up-to-date information.

We are looking for 8th grade volunteers to offer up childcare services during the ES/MS PTO meetings this year. For each person who volunteers PTO will deposit $10 into our trip account. Upcoming PTO meeting dates are:

October: 10/25

November: 11/15

January: 1/10

February: 2/7

March: 3/13

April: 4/17

May: 5/15.

All PTO meetings occur in the ES STEAM room and childcare happens in the ES library. Any 8th grader interested in volunteering and helping the DC trip, contact Mr. Begeal in room 306.


Dear Writers, Photographers, and Artists~

Are you interested in contributing to the Trumansburg Troubadour? The Trumansburg Troubadour is a school community newsletter written by students and supported by the Trumansburg Education Foundation. It is a great opportunity to have your work published and shared with the community. We are accepting submissions from students in grades 3-12 this fall.

In December, we will publish our regular Troubadour newsletter dedicated to school and community news and encourage students to choose one of the suggested topics below or a topic of their own related to school news/programs/events. Submissions should be half-page to full page in length with some flexibility (word count: 400-800 words).

We are also accepting creative stories, poetry, artwork, and photography for a Creative Edition of the Troubadour that will be published separately later this winter. Creative stories will need to be 800 words or less. Students are welcome to submit to both editions of the Troubadour if they would like.

The Troubadour will be compiled and edited virtually, though we may have opportunities to meet in person or individually. Submissions are typically submitted and edited using Google Docs. All interested contributors (grades 3-12), please contact with your topic ideas and questions by Friday, October 13, 2023. First drafts will be due by Friday, November 3, 2023, and all final submissions will be due by Friday, December 8, 2023.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Genna Knight & Megan Williams

Trumansburg Troubadour Editors

Trumansburg Education Foundation

P.O. Box 486

Trumansburg, NY 14886-0486

Topic Ideas:

-School Sports News

-KDT Field trips

-High School Play in November (Puffs)



-An article on Senior Class activities


-8th Grade String (Elective) Class Experiences (Earth Science, Studio Art, Chorus, DDP)

-Elementary School Drama Club, Chorus

-School Events: Fall Family Dance, M.S. Student Council Dance, Photos from Events with captions, etc.

-Student Council updates

-Freshman Interview (about high school transition)

-5th grader Interview (about middle school transition)

-Any new staff to interview?

-New MS Dean

-Fall Family Dance (ES) (Nov 9)

-MS and HS Open House

-Fire Safety Day at the ES (Oct 13)

-Dominican Republic Trip Summer 2024

-We are happy to review your school/community-related topics as well!


Youth Theatre Forum

  • Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30pm from Sept 26 - December 12
  • FREE and we’ll have a meal at every rehearsal
  • Open to anyone in 7th-12th grade (or if not in school, of equivalent age)
  • Meets at the Tompkins County Public Library
  • Want to be involved but don’t have a way of getting there? Contact us and we can help brainstorm options.

Building Contacts

Main Office: Brenda Everhart, 607-387-2825

Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425

Nurse's Office: 607-387-2827

Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449

Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist

Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant

Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker

Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor

IT Help: or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)

Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson,