Middle School

Weekly Update

Week of May 26th


Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape

Friday is a B Day

Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape


Tuesday, May 28: 7th grade field trip to Rosamond Gifford Zoo

Wednesday, May 29: 6th grade field trip to Cornell

Tuesday, June 4: 5th grade field trip to Cayuga Nature Center

Tuesday, June 4: 7/8 Band & Choir Concert

Friday, June 7: Service Day

Wednesday, June 12-Friday, June 14: 8th grade D.C. Trip

Wednesday, June 19: no school (Juneteenth)

Thursday, June 20: 6th grade field trip--trout release

Friday, June 21: School Dance

Monday, June 24: 5th & 7th grades field trips to Taughannock

Tuesday, June 25: 6th & 8th grade field trips

Wednesday, June 26: Dismissal at 11:30

Little Bird Watercolor

Do you want to unsubscribe? email gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us

Office Updates

From Ms. Lomax

I hope that you all enjoyed the fine weather during our extra-long weekend.

As we enter into the final weeks of school, there are quite a few field trips scheduled. (See the Calendar above for specifics.) On field trip days, please make sure your student is dressed for the weather, has a water bottle, and applies sunscreen if appropriate. Written permission is needed for a student to bring and apply sunscreen at school or on a trip. You may fill out our Middle School Sunscreen Form to give your student permission to do so.

If you have any questions about field trips, reach out to your student's teachers or the Main Office.

Progress reports will be sent home with students on this Friday, 5/31.

Chromebook Return

Starting Monday, June 10th, all students will leave their Chromebooks at school so that our IT staff can start their end-of-year inventory. Please have your student bring their Chromebook and charger on Monday, June 10th.

Students who need to bring their Chromebooks home to study for a Regents exam will be able to do so.

From Student Services

Finger Lakes Community Health is once again offering their School-Based Dental Program. The dental hygienist will be on campus on June 17th. If you would like to enroll your student, please fill out the form:

Form in English

Form in Spanish

5th Grade

5th Grade Daily Planner (Please bookmark for your use). Please check your students’ take home folders and planners with them daily. Calling ALL PENCILS!!! Please remind students to bring spare pencils from home with them to school (either daily) or to store in their lockers! We are giving them the same messages here at school. THANK YOU!!!

ELA: This week students finished their historical fiction books and worked with their group to determine the theme of it. Upon our return from Memorial Day mini-break students will begin the 4th Grade Letter Project!

Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule

THRIVE: Marking Period 4 Student Sign-up Form

Health: Health: Your child just completed the bookmark campaign to take a stand against violence – so much creativity and health-focused messaging was shared! A new unit begins next week – Nutrition and Physical Activity. Lessons of focus: What is MyPlate & how can we ensure a nutrient-rich diet? Understanding what defines fast food and junk food and how to select healthier options when eating on the go.

6th Grade

***Students will be going on a field trip to Cornell on May 29th. We will be visiting The Johnson Art Museum and STEAM departments.

7th Grade

7th Grade Digital Planner (Please bookmark this link.)

Please remind students to bring pencils, their Chromebook charger, and a water bottle to school.

Please remember that our field trip to the zoo is on Tuesday, May 28. The buses will leave just after 8am. Students should be in school by 8am so that they’re in time for the bus.

ELA 7: This week we will journey back to the 1960s as we join Ponyboy in S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. We will talk this week about being an outsider.

Music: We will be starting our final project in BandLab this week! Students will choose a scene from a movie, show or video game and write an original soundtrack in BandLab for it

7/8 Band: 7/8 Band & Chorus Concert Tuesday, June 4 @ 7:00 PM (Chorus Students report to HS Chorus Room at 6:30 PM) Now is a good time to dust off those concert clothes and make sure they still fit!

7/8 Band Lesson Schedule week of 5/27

Chorus: Chorus Lesson Groups. Chorus Lesson Schedule

THRIVE: Marking Period 4 Student Sign-up Form

8th Grade

Parents: Reminder--Students should be emailing their teachers when absent -- that way they can know what was covered in class. Also please follow the below steps to check assignments in your child’s Google Classrooms.

Kotler’s ELA 8: This week, students learned the history of Memorial Day and prepared for an author visit with Jeff Gottesfeld on Wednesday, 05/22. Students decided on who they are interviewing and had questions formed by the end of the week (05/22). Interviews are due 05/31!

7/8 Band & Chorus Concert Tuesday, June 4 @ 7:00 PM (Chorus Students report to HS Chorus Room at 6:30 PM)

Chorus: Chorus Lesson Groups

7/8 Band: 7/8 Band Lesson Schedule week of 5/27 Now is a good time to dust off those concert clothes and make sure they still fit!

THRIVE: Marking Period 4 Student Sign-up Form

Google Classroom for Parents

Looking for your student’s assignments? Follow these steps:

Circled 3
Circled 4
Circled 2 C

Clubs & Activities

Student Council

End of year dance will be on Friday June 21st from 7-9pm. The dance is open to all students in grades 5-8. There will be a DJ, and concessions sold. Presale tickets will be $5 sold at lunch during the week of the dance. Tickets at the door will be $7. Come and celebrate the end of the school year with your friends. Hope to see you there.

You must sign up for the late bus with Mr. Begeal or Ms. Salib by 1:00 PM on Tuesday.

Washington, D.C. Trip

Thank you to all families that completed the roommate and information forms online. There will be a meeting with students the first week of June to go over trip expectations, roommates, final itinerary and to answer any questions. Please return the green and yellow forms to Mr. Begeal ASAP. All medical forms and carry orders are due back to the nurse by Wednesday May 22nd.

Please contact Mr. Begeal (wbegeal@tburg.k12.ny.us) if you have any questions.

You can help to support our trip by ordering Tburg Gear through our online store.


Please be sure to follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tburgpto

More May Day 5K info



Primitive Pursuits Overnight Camps

Overnight camps offer a distinctive set of benefits, providing young people with opportunities for self-discovery, skill development, and lasting connections. Join us in the expansive Arnot Forest with historic lodge, cabins and over 4,200 acres of wilderness to explore!

Back to the Earth for Ages 9-12:

Embrace the Adventure!

Gain foundational outdoor skills to last a lifetime. Overcome challenges with creativity, while playing hard, eating well, gaining independence, finding new interests and building self-confidence.

Campers will make a home base around the comforts of wilderness cabins and venture into the surrounding forests and waterways to practice outdoor living skills with new friends and reconnect with the wild earth. For campers looking for more adventure, there will be opportunities to sleep under the stars and go on a wilderness overnight trip.

Forest Awakens for Ages 13-16:

Ignite your inner spark!

Awaken to the sounds of birds and rustling leaves in a forest base camp made of tents, tarps and natural shelters. Campers will base their activities out of this home in the forest, cooking meals together and forming a community of nature-inspired leaders.

Camp leaders will offer advanced skill development and opportunities for more independent challenges and leadership development, as well as deep relaxation and rejuvenation. They’ll guide campers in making choices with intention and purpose, crafting meaningful stories and relationships, and mastering skills of self-reliance.

Full Moon Camp for Ages 13-16:

The Forest Awakens at night! This will be a specialized week for night time adventures under the light of the full moon. Playfulness and creativity will light our way as we craft stories and dream big together. Time for reflection, personal discovery and rejuvenation (think, sleeping in!) will abound.

Register at primitivepursuits.com

Building Contacts

Main Office: Brenda Everhart, 607-387-2825

Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425

Nurse's Office: 607-387-2827

Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449

Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist

Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant

Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker

Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor

IT Help: help@tburgschools.on.spiceworks.com or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)

Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson, gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us