Middle School

Weekly Update

Week of March 26th


Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape
Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape


3/30: STEAM Career Day, grades 5 & 6

3/31: "Resilience to Rise Above" assembly

3/31: Swamp College Brass Band performance

April 6: New York Maple Association trailer visit

Bird red cardinal. Watercolor illustration.
Watercolor Branch Illustration

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Office Updates

From Ms. Amodeo

Congratulations to the entire cast, crew, and adult support team of Beauty and the Beast Jr! The months of hard work, the long days, and the rehearsals were all worth it. The finished product was delightful, entertaining, and fun. Thank you for putting on such a wonderful show.

Over the course of this year, many updates and edits have been made to the Trumansburg CSD and the Middle School websites. For more information on what and how your students are learning, check out the Curriculum and Instruction page. You can also find the Student Handbook, information about Athletics, and other Family Resources online.

Swirl Line Decoration
Swirl Line Decoration

Save the Date/Volunteers Needed: We will hold our annual Service Day on Friday, June 2nd (rain date: June 16th). This is a great opportunity for our middle schoolers to help out the school and wider community! We are looking for parent volunteers to help us with planning and with the events on June 2nd. If you are interested, please contact Gail Brisson at gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us.

School Nutrition

Though school meals are no longer subsidized for every student, free and reduced-priced meals are available to those who qualify. The application can be found HERE.

To add funds to your child’s school lunch account, you can use our online system at MySchoolBucks or you can send a check directly to the TCSD Food Service Department. Students may always pay cash if they choose to as well.

What’s for lunch? Check My School Menus

Hand drawn watercolor  Fruit salad

5th Grade

5th Grade Daily Planner (Please bookmark for your use)

Please help your 5th grader remember to charge their Chromebook each night, BRING PENCILS from home (please - we have a lot of kids reporting each day without one to use) and to bring a water bottle for use at school.

Science: There is so much for you to ask your young scientist about! March Mammal Madness is moving through round 2 and into the Sweet 16. Our new crop of hydroponic plants are moving from the heat pads to the aeroponic towers. And of course we have kicked off our final unit of the year: Living Systems. Please keep the conversations going at home!

ELA: This week we finished up our unit on Jackie Robinson and began to look at various influential women of our past and present.

Band 5: Fifth grade band students are making great progress on their concert songs. They all should be practicing these along with their assignments in Making Music Matter.

Practice Pointers: CLARINET & SAX STUDENTS: Do you have a good supply of reeds? Please order reeds if you have 3 or less reeds that are playable.

Band 5/6 Lesson Schedule Link

STEAM: 5th and 6th graders will be participating in a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) Career Day on March 30th. We are looking for parent volunteers to do things like signing presenters into main office and escorting them to their rooms or helping to run a hospitality station. If you’re interested, please reach out to Heather Bascom: hbascom@tburg.k12.ny.us

6th Grade

6th grade planner (please bookmark this link)

Please remind students to bring a reusable water bottle to fill up at school. Students need pencils! Please send your student in with a few pencils! Healthy snacks are a great idea to send in with your student, they are growing at a rapid rate.

Social Studies: Students continue to explore the five major religions in the world. This week we focused on Buddhism and Judaism. Students are looking at similarities and differences across all of the major religions. We will be writing a comparative essay contrasting two of the religions.

Math: Students in math spent this week focusing on solving algebraic equations. We solved for the variable using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Science: Students are taking all of their knowledge about how molecules behave and how energy is transferred to figure out why hail storms occur on sunny days. We will continue to focus on weather and what makes certain weather systems occur.

ELA: We are continuing to read Flush. We had our first literature circle discussion about ch. 14 and 15. Students came to the discussion prepared to talk about the book. Next week we will focus on the author's purpose. We will also continue reading non-fiction articles about water.

Health: This week students completed a team game review of the unit Effective Communication and Healthy Relationships, learned how to avoid exploitation, and about body changes during puberty. Here are two resources you may like to utilize in the event your child wants to talk about these topics: amaze.org/parents (various health-related videos for parents, kids and teens) kidshealth.org (search “All About Puberty” to locate info for parents, kids and teens).

Band: We had some GREAT rehearsals this week. I’m so proud of the work this group has done lately and they are sounding awesome. NYSSMA students should be practicing 3-5 times per week on their solo, 3 scales and sight reading. Parents can help by asking to hear some of the solo - they should be able to play at least ½ of it at this point. Thanks for your support!

Band 5/6 Lesson Schedule Link

STEAM: 5th and 6th graders will be participating in a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) Career Day on March 30th. We are looking for parent volunteers to do things like signing presenters into main office and escorting them to their rooms or helping to run a hospitality station. If you’re interested, please reach out to Heather Bascom: hbascom@tburg.k12.ny.us

7th Grade

7th Grade Digital Planner (Please bookmark this link.)

Science: We have been busy learning the body systems. This week we will ask the question, How does exercise influence the amount of carbon dioxide we exhale? To answer this question we will put on safety goggles and lab aprons and enjoy a few days in the lab with test tubes and colorful solutions.

ELA 7: We are continuing our discussion about racial bias in the novel Ghost Boys. Students have been actively engaged in discussing the book, and the messages in the book that relate to our lives.

Social Studies: Students have filmed their Political Party Campaign Ads! Unit 4: The Constitution is wrapping up with a test tomorrow. Wednesday, we will share our campaign ads in class and we will welcome three 11th grade students who will be presenting on the concept of racism and ‘allyship’. Unit 5 will begin this week! Our new unit will cover the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis & Clark Expedition, the War of 1812 and the Monroe Doctrine, the First Industrial Revolution, Texas Independence & the Mexican American War, and the Moving Westward. Following Spring Break, our Social Studies class will be welcoming a long-term sub as I will be on maternity leave for at least 6 weeks. I will send an email with more information.

Music: We finished up a graded assessment and are now ready to move on to start our final project! Students will be creating soundtracks in BandLab to go along with scenes from movies, TV, or video games.

7/8 Band: We are getting settled into NYSSMA prep. Students who are participating in NYSSMA have started working on their scales, sight reading, and have begun work on their solos. If you aren’t hearing your student practice at least twice a week (or hear about them doing it at school), reminders are welcome! Please be on the lookout for an e-mail with more information coming soon. We continue to sound great during rehearsals- the spring concert will be here before we know it!

7/8 Lesson Schedule 3/27- 3/31

8th Grade

ELA 8: Today, Monday, students will finish putting together a grade-level slideshow for Women’s History Month. This week, students will begin reading The King of Mulberry Street by Donna Jo Napoli. The reading schedule can be found here . Students should continue to carry their nonfiction/historical fiction books with them (until Spring Break).

Social Studies: Student historians will apply their knowledge of WWI to our unit assessment -- writing a letter from the viewpoint of a soldier. It will encompass causes of the war, why the U.S. got involved, impacts on the homefront, and outcomes. We then move to our next unit: The 1920s.

7/8 Band: We are getting settled into NYSSMA prep. Students who are participating in NYSSMA have started working on their scales, sight reading, and have begun work on their solos. If you aren’t hearing your student practice at least twice a week (or hear about them doing it at school), reminders are welcome! Please be on the lookout for an e-mail with more information coming soon. We continue to sound great during rehearsals- the spring concert will be here before we know it!

7/8 Lesson Schedule 3/27- 3/31

Clubs & Activities

Student Council

BOur next meeting will be coming up soon , after school in room 306. Hope to see all interested students - we have a lot of things to plan.

Any student who needs to ride the late bus needs to fill out a late bus form by 1:30 on the day they want to ride. Contact advisors Bill Begeal or Nadine Salib to get signed up for the bus. ws you to directly text Tammy Parker (Producer) or Danny Trippett (Director).


Save the date: Our next middle school roller skating party will be held on Friday March 31st in the Elementary School.

The May Day 5K & Fun Run is BACK! It is scheduled for Saturday June 3rd. We are looking for volunteers to help make this event a success. Please considering volunteering:

Please considering volunteering.

Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with all of our events.


Our next meeting will be coming up soon from 2:45-3:30 in the media lab.

If your child attends a meeting and needs to ride a bus home they MUST complete the weekly google form emailed out by Ms. Magee, no later than noon of the meeting day.

Questions? Email Tammy Parker tparker@tburg.k12.ny.us or Lisa Magee lmagee@tburg.k12.ny.us

To order a yearbook go to www.YearbookOrderCenter.com and use the order number 18914

If you would like to submit pictures to possibly be used in our yearbook please go to http://www.hjeshare.com and enter the word “doig” in the school code box to upload from your computer or get the HJeshare App and upload right from your phone!

Spring Sports

It’s time to sign up for Spring Sports. Click this link to get started. You can also find the link on the Athletics webpage.

Modified Softball and Baseball start April 1st.


Building Contacts

Main Office: Brenda Everhart, 607-387-2825

Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425

Nurse's Office: Julie Carpenter, jcarpenter@tburg.k12.ny.us (preferred) or 607-387-2827

Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449

Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist

Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant

Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker

Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor

IT Help: help@tburgschools.on.spiceworks.com or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)

Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson, gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us