Middle School
Weekly Update
Week of June 2nd
Friday is an A Day
Tuesday, June 4: 5th grade field trip to Cayuga Nature Center
Tuesday, June 4: 7/8 Band & Choir Concert
Friday, June 7: Service Day
Wednesday, June 12-Friday, June 14: 8th grade D.C. Trip
Wednesday, June 19: no school (Juneteenth)
Thursday, June 20: 6th grade field trip--trout release
Friday, June 21: School Dance
Monday, June 24: 5th & 7th grades field trips to Taughannock
Tuesday, June 25: 6th & 8th grade field trips
Wednesday, June 26: Dismissal at 11:30
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Office Updates
From Ms. Lomax
It's a busy week at the Middle School with our 5th graders visiting the Cayuga Nature Center, the 7th and 8th grade band and chorus concert on Tuesday night (at 7pm in the HS auditorium), and our annual Day of Service on Friday, 6/7.
Additionally, students who are taking Algebra will sit for their Regents exam on Tuesday morning. Please make sure your student is well-rested and on time to school on Tuesday. Anyone who misses the exam will need to take it over the summer or next year.
Chromebook Return
Starting Monday, June 10th, all students will leave their Chromebooks at school so that our IT staff can start their end-of-year inventory. Please have your student bring their Chromebook and charger on Monday, June 10th.
Students who need to bring their Chromebooks home to study for a Regents exam will be able to do so.
Service Day
Our annual Middle School Service Day is fast approaching. Our ENTIRE middle school will spend the morning of June 7th doing service projects on the TCDS campus and around Trumansburg. One of our service jobs for students is to deliver nutritious snacks to all the groups. They will prepare healthy fruit options and create a nut-free trail mix.
This is where YOU come in - we'd love it if you could donate one or more of the food items we are looking for. Just sign up on the Sign-Up Genius and make sure you drop the food of in the main orrice or send it in with your student by Thursday, June 6th .
Are you interested in helping with a group? We're happy to have your help with this meaningful event. If you are, please reach out to Gail Brisson at gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us
Thank you for your support,
2024 Day of Service Team & TBurg PTO
5th Grade
5th Grade Daily Planner (Please bookmark for your use). Please check your students’ take home folders and planners with them daily. Calling ALL PENCILS!!! Please remind students to bring spare pencils from home with them to school (either daily) or to store in their lockers! We are giving them the same messages here at school. THANK YOU!!!
Health: Last week students made comparisons between the MyPlate and Harvard Healthy Eating Guidelines for nutrition, held meaningful conversations about nutrition and looked at the variety in their diets to determine what areas they might like to strive for increased variety. Next week will continue the nutrition and physical activity unit with a focus on goal setting. The week of June 10th will begin the lessons on puberty and body changes.
Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule A great way to keep your student playing over the summer is the Ithaca Youth Bureau Summer Band Program. Information HERE. Private or small group lessons are also a great, flexible way to help students maintain their skills. Contact Mrs. Posegate for more info on how to find a teacher.
THRIVE: Marking Period 4 Student Sign-up Form
6th Grade
** On Friday, June 7th students will be watching a movie after the day of service in the morning. We have two movie options for the afternoon. One is The Martian which is PG-13-if students want to watch this movie they need permission. All students were given a permission slip if they were interested in watching The Martian. These permission slips need to be brought back to school by Thursday. The other movie is October Sky which is PG.
Social Studies: This week we began our last unit of study, Medieval Times. We will be looking at medieval Europe, Africa and Asia. Students will be researching a topic of their choice and creating a hands-on project to present to classmates. Students will be spending class time learning about many aspects of medieval times. We will continue to use GRAPES (Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economy and Social Structure) as we dive into this fascinating time.
Math: Students spent this week looking at questions to determine if they were statistical or not. Ask your student what makes a statistical question. We also created bar graphs and histograms from given data.
Science: This week we continued our exploration of the Sun - Earth - Moon connections. We looked at patterns of the Sun in the sky and started to make sense of what was happening. We are starting to make sense for why the North Star doesn’t move, but other stars in the sky do appear to move. Also this week as part of our Museum & STEM trip to Cornell we visited the Entomology dept. and were able to visit the vast collection of insect species that are a part of the department’s collection. Students also learned about invasive insects that we are on the lookout for in our area. Each student received a goodie bag to take home. Tick removal kits were also donated to the students but due to the sharp tweezers in the kit, we are asking that any interested families stop by the main office to pick up a kit. A huge thank you to Alejandro Calixto for inviting our students. Students also visited the SPIF center (Spacecraft Planetary Imaging Facility) that is part of the Space Science dept. Students were given an exciting presentation on upcoming NASA missions that are being planned and built which will come to fruition in the 2030’s (some of which these students may end up working on). As we continue our space science unit over the next five weeks, encourage your students to spend some time looking and wondering about the night sky
ELA: We are continuing our unit on water pollution. We continue to read Flush and will have a literature circle on Monday. Students need to read ch. 14,15,16 and complete their 4-3-2-1 papers in order to participate in the literature circles. Students are reading articles about plastic in the water. They are exploring cause, effect and solutions. We also began learning about how to paraphrase non-fiction text.
Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule A great way to keep your student playing over the summer is the Ithaca Youth Bureau Summer Band Program. Information HERE. Private or small group lessons are also a great, flexible way to help students maintain their skills. Contact Mrs. Posegate for more info on how to find a teacher.
Chorus: Chorus Lesson Groups.
7th Grade
7th Grade Digital Planner (Please bookmark this link.)
Please remind students to bring pencils, their Chromebook charger, and a water bottle to school.
Science: We completed a scavenger hunt on animals at the zoo. The field trip was lots of fun! This week we started labs on diffusion and osmosis.
ELA 7: We are experiencing The Outsiders through Ponyboy’s eyes as he navigates the challenges of being a teenager, who doesn’t feel like he fits in with his buddies, the greasers. A conversation starter with your 7th grader might be to talk about what it feels like to be an outsider, and then what are some strategies that we can use when we feel like an outsider. The next level of conversation is that if there are outsiders, then there are “insiders.” What makes someone an insider or an outsider? We will continue to journey with Ponyboy as he and Johnny Cade struggle in this next week’s reading.
Math 7 & Pre-Algebra: In Math 7 we spent the week working on a compound shape project. Students are working with partners to create a figure and find the total area of their compound shape. We’ll have a short assessment on Tuesday to check our understanding of finding the area of compound shapes. In Pre-Algebra we’ve been working with learning to find the volume of cylinders, cones, spheres, and pyramids. Next week we’ll use those skills to solve real-world problems using volume and have a short assessment on Thursday. Here are some pictures of students working on their projects in Math 7, and working on volume in Delta Math in Pre-Algebra. (note I missed getting pictures for 1st period - next week I’ll make sure to get some).
Social Studies: This week we started our last unit of the year, the U.S. Civil War. We learned about the political situation in the United States in the 1850s, including the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act, and the formation of the Republican party as an abolitionist party. We ended the week by analyzing the Lincoln-Douglas Debate. Next week, we will be investigating the election of 1860, Southern secession, and the attack on Ft. Sumter.
Music: We will be starting our final project in BandLab this week! Students will choose a scene from a movie, show or video game and write an original soundtrack in BandLab for it.
7/8 Band: 7/8 Band & Chorus Concert is Tuesday, 6/4 @7pm in the HS Auditorium. Students who are in Band AND Chorus report to the HS Band room @6:30pm. Band students who are NOT in Chorus report to the HS Band room @6:45pm. Please dress up- whatever makes you feel dressy and performance ready!
7/8 Band Lesson Schedule week of 6/3
Chorus: Chorus Lesson Groups. Chorus Lesson Schedule
8th Grade
Parents: Reminder--Students should be emailing their teachers when absent -- that way they can know what was covered in class. Also please follow the below steps to check assignments in your child’s Google Classrooms.
Chorus: Chorus Lesson Groups
7/8 Band: 7/8 Band & Chorus Concert is Tuesday, 6/4 @7pm in the HS Auditorium. Students who are in Band AND Chorus report to the HS Band room @6:30pm. Band students who are NOT in Chorus report to the HS Band room @6:45pm. Please dress up- whatever makes you feel dressy and performance ready!
7/8 Band Lesson Schedule week of 6/3
Clubs & Activities
Student Council
Washington, D.C. Trip
Our last Student Council meeting will be on June 11th. As a celebration we will be walking to the Ice Cream Bar for a treat to wrap up the year.
End of year dance will be on Friday June 21st from 7-9pm. The dance is open to all students in grades 5-8. There will be a DJ, and concessions sold. Presale tickets will be $5 sold at lunch during the week of the dance. Tickets at the door will be $7. Come and celebrate the end of the school year with your friends. Hope to see you there.
Looking ahead to next year we are looking for current 7th graders who are energetic, organized, and have a vision for what can make our school even more awesome to run for president and vice-president of Student Council for the ‘24-’25 school year. Interested candidates should see Mr. Begeal or Ms. Salib for an election packet. We will have voting in the first week of next year’s school year.
You must sign up for the late bus with Mr. Begeal or Ms. Salib by 1:00 PM on Tuesday.
We are nearing the departure date for the DC trip! 10 days until we leave. There will be a meeting for students attending the trip on Friday June 7th after the Day of Service activities. We will run through the itinerary, how to prepare for the bag check and drop off, announce chaperone groups, and reiterate expectations while on the trip. We were approved for a visit to the White House, so students who were interested and registered on the White House site will have a chance to visit the White House. Before leaving DC, we will be dropping off Love Rocks that were painted during Service Day to the Sasha Bruce House which is dedicated to “improving the lives of runaway, homeless, abused, and neglected at-risk youth and their families in the Washington area.”
Please contact Mr. Begeal (wbegeal@tburg.k12.ny.us) if you have any questions.
You can help to support our trip by ordering Tburg Gear through our online store.
Summer Reading Camp
Primitive Pursuits Overnight Camps
Overnight camps offer a distinctive set of benefits, providing young people with opportunities for self-discovery, skill development, and lasting connections. Join us in the expansive Arnot Forest with historic lodge, cabins and over 4,200 acres of wilderness to explore!
Back to the Earth for Ages 9-12:
Embrace the Adventure!
Gain foundational outdoor skills to last a lifetime. Overcome challenges with creativity, while playing hard, eating well, gaining independence, finding new interests and building self-confidence.
Campers will make a home base around the comforts of wilderness cabins and venture into the surrounding forests and waterways to practice outdoor living skills with new friends and reconnect with the wild earth. For campers looking for more adventure, there will be opportunities to sleep under the stars and go on a wilderness overnight trip.
Forest Awakens for Ages 13-16:
Ignite your inner spark!
Awaken to the sounds of birds and rustling leaves in a forest base camp made of tents, tarps and natural shelters. Campers will base their activities out of this home in the forest, cooking meals together and forming a community of nature-inspired leaders.
Camp leaders will offer advanced skill development and opportunities for more independent challenges and leadership development, as well as deep relaxation and rejuvenation. They’ll guide campers in making choices with intention and purpose, crafting meaningful stories and relationships, and mastering skills of self-reliance.
Full Moon Camp for Ages 13-16:
The Forest Awakens at night! This will be a specialized week for night time adventures under the light of the full moon. Playfulness and creativity will light our way as we craft stories and dream big together. Time for reflection, personal discovery and rejuvenation (think, sleeping in!) will abound.
Register at primitivepursuits.com
Building Contacts
Main Office: Brenda Everhart, 607-387-2825
Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425
Nurse's Office: 607-387-2827
Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449
Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist
Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant
Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker
Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor
IT Help: help@tburgschools.on.spiceworks.com or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)
Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson, gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us