Middle School

Weekly Update

Week of February 26th


Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape


Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape
Tree Branch Watercolor Illustration
Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape


Welcome back!

Watercolor bird snowy owl

Do you want to unsubscribe? email gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us

Office Updates

From Ms. Amodeo

I hope that all of our middle school families enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating Winter Break.

On the Wednesday prior to the break (2/15), all students attended an assembly hosted by me and Trumansburg Police Department Officer, Dan Bechtold. We reviewed some common examples of inappropriate behavior on the internet, the possible consequences for students who engage in such behavior, and, most importantly, how students should respond if/when they witness inappropriate actions online. Please discuss the assembly with your student(s), and encourage them to dissuade each other from taking part in bad behavior online and to immediately report upsetting interactions to a trusted adult.

As a district, we are looking into providing additional support for families who want to more closely monitor their students’ online activity. I will send out more information as soon as possible.

School Nutrition

Though school meals are no longer subsidized for every student, free and reduced-priced meals are available to those who qualify. The application can be found HERE.

To add funds to your child’s school lunch account, you can use our online system at MySchoolBucks or you can send a check directly to the TCSD Food Service Department. Students may always pay cash if they choose to as well.

What’s for lunch? Check My School Menus

Hand drawn watercolor  Fruit salad

5th Grade

5th Grade Daily Planner (Please bookmark for your use)

Please help your 5th grader remember to charge their Chromebook each night, BRING PENCILS from home (please - we have a lot of kids reporting each day without one to use) and to bring a water bottle for use at school.

Science: Thanks to everyone who contributed to our 1,000 pennies to celebrate the 1,000th day of school! After a few weeks working on concentration, density, and solubility, students have been using these new concepts and several different lab practices to analyze what is in different water samples from around the school. We have also done some work with the concept of “conservation of mass/matter” to get ready for the last section of Mixtures and Solutions when we will get into chemical reactions.

ELA: Before break students began reading Promises to Keep: How Jackie Robinson Changed America by Sharon Robinson. We began to look at the history African Americans have had in our country. We also completed a fun activity in honor of your students' 1,000th day of school on Tuesday! Students wrote letters to their future selves to read on their 2,000th day of school!

Math: Before break students took a deep dive on analyzing and creating line plots. We also learned about former NFL player and Ph.D candidate John Urschel in honor of Black History Month. When we come back from break students will begin our unit on multiplication and division of fractions. Click this link to see the module 4 parent tip sheet to help familiarize yourself with what your student will be learning.

Band 5: Band 5/6 Lesson Schedule Link

6th Grade

6th grade planner (please bookmark this link)

Please remind students to bring a reusable water bottle to fill up at school. Students need pencils! Please send your student in with a few pencils! Healthy snacks are a great idea to send in with your student, they are growing at a rapid rate.

Health: Families, please ask your 6th grader about the Health promotion poster they just completed – I am most astounded by students’ artistry and creativity as well as their understanding of the Health topics and concepts we’ve studied these past 3 weeks! After break, 6th graders will wrap up our Introduction to Personal Health unit. Throughout March, students will learn about types of communication, how to have healthy relationships, as well as gain a full understanding of body changes during puberty and the reproductive systems. A letter detailing aspects of these units will be sent home soon after Feb. break.

Band: Band 5/6 Lesson Schedule Link

Watercolor evergreen forest illustration.

7th Grade

7th Grade Digital Planner (Please bookmark this link.)

Science: In the week after break, our main focus was finishing the new NY State Investigation for MS Living Science. We will then begin our study of body systems.

Math: What a great week before break! We found ourselves in media res as we start this break. Math 7 finished up their first half of their equations unit and so we held a Quest, a mix between a quiz and a test. We’ll start the next half later, and so they won’t repeat this content on their next assessment. Pre-Algebra in a similar boat, but we won’t have a quest, just more time to solidify and entrench the content for later. They are in their last Unit of math 7 content and will soon begin 8th grade math! Woohoo!

Social Studies: Students discovered what happened at the Constitutional Convention by reading a play (the Great Compromise and the ⅗ Compromise). We also began our third learning objective before break on the Constitution and began breaking down the three branches of government!

ELA 7: Before break we worked on completing our project “Breaking Stereotypes”. Students have picked a group, identified the stereotype associated with that group, and are researching the facts about that group. Students will create a project to present to the class the “truth” about that group; it is due on Wed., March 1st at the beginning of class.

Music: We took a break from creating in BandLab to honor Black History Month. We talked about the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Freedom Singers of the Civil Rights Movement. We discussed how music can make people more powerful and visible, which was why freedom songs were used as an integral part of this movement. We took a look and listened to ‘Strange Fruit’ by Billie Holiday, and ‘A Change is Gonna Come’ by Sam Cooke, and will be watching ‘The Two Killings of Sam Cooke’ after break.

7/8 Band: Due to a SchoolTool e-mail malfunction, NYSSMA information has not gone out to families yet. While we wait for the issue to be resolved, here are some details. More to come after e-mail is up and running…

NYSSMA Info 2023

Parent Permission Slip 2023

Student Commitment Form

7/8 Lesson Schedule 2/27- 3/3

8th Grade

ELA 8: Students are wrapping up Homer’s The Odyssey, while writing a leadership evaluation for the meandering Odysseus.

Social Studies: We have made it to the Progressive Era, where we look at the many political, social, and economic reforms made during this time. This week we learn about the reformers behind the women’s suffrage movement.

Science 8: We spent the first two weeks of 3rd quarter studying speed and acceleration. We had some speed challenges in the hallway. Students have been using some of their math skills to graph slope (speed) and to calculate speed and acceleration using formulas. We will continue our studies after break looking at gravity and its influence on acceleration.

Regents Earth Science: We just wrapped up our unit on Geologic History. Students learned how to sequence events from outcrops, how fossils form, and about radioactive decay used for dating rocks and fossils. We will begin Meteorology when we return from break. As we get into the spring months, there are a lot of interesting weather events that occur that will make for great studies.

7/8 Band: Due to a SchoolTool e-mail malfunction, NYSSMA information has not gone out to families yet. While we wait for the issue to be resolved, here are some details. More to come after e-mail is up and running…

NYSSMA Info 2023

Parent Permission Slip 2023

Student Commitment Form

7/8 Lesson Schedule 2/27- 3/3

Clubs & Activities

Student Council

BOur next meeting will be Tuesday 2/28 , after school in room 306. Hope to see all interested students - we have a lot of things to plan.

Any student who needs to ride the late bus needs to fill out a late bus form by 1:30 on the day they want to ride. Contact advisors Bill Begeal or Nadine Salib to get signed up for the bus. ws you to directly text Tammy Parker (Producer) or Danny Trippett (Director).


Beauty and the Beast rehearsals are underway. Cast, keep up to date with rehearsals and other important information via our Beauty and the Beast Jr. website.

If you are a cast member (or parent of a cast member) and have not yet signed up for our REMIND app, please email tparker@tburg.k12.ny.us to get the sign up information. Remind is a way that we send quick text message updates or changes. Remind also allows you to directly text Tammy Parker (Producer) or Danny Trippett (Director).


Our Middle School PTO needs some more volunteers. Please come and join us to learn more about how we help support middle school students.

Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with all of our events.

Ski Club

We had a great season! Stay tuned for an email from us regarding the ski club for next year. For students in grades 7-12, parents should have received an email from Ms. Salib regarding a special trip on March 3rd.


Our next meeting will be announced soon!.

We have a MS Yearbook google classroom code, staff application and a Remind sign up packet your student will bring home once they have attended a meeting.

If your child attends a meeting and needs to ride a bus home they MUST complete the weekly google form emailed out by Ms. Magee, no later than noon of the meeting day.

Questions? Email Tammy Parker tparker@tburg.k12.ny.us or Lisa Magee lmagee@tburg.k12.ny.us

To order a yearbook go to www.YearbookOrderCenter.com and use the order number 18914

If you would like to submit pictures to possibly be used in our yearbook please go to http://www.hjeshare.com and enter the word “doig” in the school code box to upload from your computer or get the HJeshare App and upload right from your phone!


Building Contacts

Main Office: Brenda Everhart, 607-387-2825

Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425

Nurse's Office: Julie Carpenter, jcarpenter@tburg.k12.ny.us (preferred) or 607-387-2827

Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449

Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist

Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant

Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker

Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor

IT Help: help@tburgschools.on.spiceworks.com or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)

Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson, gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us