Middle School

Weekly Update

Week of February 12th


Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape


Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape
Tree Branch Watercolor Illustration
Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape


2/20-2/24: Winter Break

Watercolor winter bird bohemian waxwing

Do you want to unsubscribe? email gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us

Office Updates

From Ms. Amodeo

Congratulations to Ms. Posegate and our 5th grade students on their “Informance” last week. It was wonderful to see and hear how our new musicians have learned over the first half of the year. Great job!

While these cold, rainy days might have all of us wishing we could stay in bed with a good book, we ask that families not send students to school with blankets and stuffed animals. Students carrying blankets has become a safety concern, and stuffed animals can quickly become a distraction from learning. If a student has a legitimate need for an item, we are happy to discuss and accommodate. Otherwise, we ask that these items remain at home. Thank you for your help.

Watercolor winter forest, flying birds, snow, mountains

School Nutrition

Though school meals are no longer subsidized for every student, free and reduced-priced meals are available to those who qualify. The application can be found HERE.

To add funds to your child’s school lunch account, you can use our online system at MySchoolBucks or you can send a check directly to the TCSD Food Service Department. Students may always pay cash if they choose to as well.

What’s for lunch? Check My School Menus

Hand drawn watercolor  Fruit salad

6th Grade

6th grade planner (please bookmark this link)

Please remind students to bring a reusable water bottle to fill up at school. Students need pencils! Please send your student in with a few pencils! Healthy snacks are a great idea to send in with your student, they are growing at a rapid rate.

Social Studies: Students began exploring Ancient China last week. We were so fortunate to have the Johnson Art Museum come in to show us Ancient artifacts and explore what the artifacts tell us about ancient China.

Math: Students are wrapping up the unit on unit rate and percentages. They will have an end of unit test on Wednesday. They have a review packet to use to help them.

Science: Students have been exploring metamorphic rock. What two things make a metamorphic rock? HEAT AND PRESSURE. We also explored the rock cycle and the different paths the rocks can take to transform.

ELA: We started a new novel-Flush by Carl Hiasson. We have been reading in class and really exploring point of view. Students also picked their favorite part of their narrative to share with the class on Tuesday to celebrate all of the hard work that went into writing a Hero’s Journey.

Health: This week, Health class focused on an introduction to personal health. Students learned about the value of finding balance in a digital world, how to access accurate and reliable health information online, how to protect their vision, hearing, and skin and ensure they get good sleep. Students also considered how to practice self-compassion and reduce stress in their lives. This was a wonderful week of sharing prior knowledge while also taking away some new information to help everyone live healthy lives!

Band: Band 5/6 Lesson Schedule Link

7th Grade

7th Grade Digital Planner (Please bookmark this link.)

Science: Last week students had the opportunity to apply their knowledge about cells (and to use their microscope skills!) in two labs viewing animal and plant cells with a microscope. This week students will be reviewing and taking a test on cells. We will then learn a little more about cells and the diversity of life, followed by an activity that all 7th graders in New York will be asked to do this year.

Math: During the week that ended on February 10, we are both beginning and ending. Pre-Algebra is beginning its very-last-final unit in Math 7 content! Woohoo! This includes geometry. Math 7 is ending their unit on expressions and equations as well. Either way, we only have one week left before winter break! That’s a whole week off school. Hooray for everyone. We could use a break!

ELA 7: This week in class we focused on what implicit bias means, and we applied it to the article “Stereotypes Might Make ‘Female’ Hurricanes Deadlier.” Students continue to set reading goals each week, and they should be reading out of class to meet and maybe even exceed their goals.

Music: This week in class, we reviewed tempo, dynamics, major/minor, and instrument families. We talked about why these concepts enhance the music that we listen to, and how they can be used to enhance music that accompanies action on screen. We learned how to create music that demonstrates those characteristics in BandLab, and are finishing up a practice assignment on the same topic.

7/8 Band: Rhythm assessments are wrapping up! Please encourage your student to practice for this assessment! For many, playing these rhythms is not something that will happen magically. A reminder that if students are unhappy with how they play the assessment, they make arrangements to re-take it.

NYSSMA information for band is coming out soon! It will be e-mailed to parents/guardians within the next week.

7/8 Lesson Schedule 2/13- 2/17

8th Grade

7/8 Band: Rhythm assessments are wrapping up! Please encourage your student to practice for this assessment! For many, playing these rhythms is not something that will happen magically. A reminder that if students are unhappy with how they play the assessment, they make arrangements to re-take it.

NYSSMA information for band is coming out soon! It will be e-mailed to parents/guardians within the next week.

7/8 Lesson Schedule 2/13- 2/17

Purple Moon Watercolor Landscape Circle

Clubs & Activities



Beauty and the Beast rehearsals are underway. Cast, keep up to date with rehearsals and other important information via our Beauty and the Beast Jr. website.

If you are a cast member (or parent of a cast member) and have not yet signed up for our REMIND app, please email tparker@tburg.k12.ny.us to get the sign up information. Remind is a way that we send quick text message updates or changes. Remind also allows you to directly text Tammy Parker (Producer) or Danny Trippett (Director).


Our Middle School PTO needs some more volunteers. Please come and join us to learn more about how we help support middle school students.

Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with all of our events.

Ski Club

Our next meeting will be announced soon!.

We have a MS Yearbook google classroom code, staff application and a Remind sign up packet your student will bring home once they have attended a meeting.

If your child attends a meeting and needs to ride a bus home they MUST complete the weekly google form emailed out by Ms. Magee, no later than noon of the meeting day.

Questions? Email Tammy Parker tparker@tburg.k12.ny.us or Lisa Magee lmagee@tburg.k12.ny.us

To order a yearbook go to www.YearbookOrderCenter.com and use the order number 18914

If you would like to submit pictures to possibly be used in our yearbook please go to http://www.hjeshare.com and enter the word “doig” in the school code box to upload from your computer or get the HJeshare App and upload right from your phone!

Plans are in the works to take a special trip to Bristol Mountain on Friday, March 3rd. Stay tuned for more details to come.


Building Contacts

Main Office: Brenda Everhart, 607-387-2825

Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425

Nurse's Office: Julie Carpenter, jcarpenter@tburg.k12.ny.us (preferred) or 607-387-2827

Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449

Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist

Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant

Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker

Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor

IT Help: help@tburgschools.on.spiceworks.com or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)

Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson, gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us