Middle School
Weekly Update
Week of April 28th
Friday,5/3 will
be an A day!
May 1: Washington, D.C. trip parent meeting
May 7 & 8: New York State math test
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Office Updates
From Mrs. Lomax
From Nurse Campbell
As many of you know, the Trumansburg community is grieving the loss of our 10th grade student, Mason Owens. This week we will continue to support our middle school students with counseling services, as needed. You can find additional resources for processing grief with your student HERE. If you feel your student could use additional support, don't hesitate to reach out to our counseling office directly at 607-387-7551 x1449.
As you may already know, post-pandemic, schools across the nation have seen a large uptick in student absenteeism. A recent article in the Times outlines the causes and effects of this drop in regular attendance. As we enter the final quarter of the year, I encourage you discuss the importance of being in school as much as possible with your student(s). When your student needs to miss school, please remember to contact the Main Office (607-387-7551 x1425) or email msattendance@tburg.k12.ny.us
Physical Examinations: All students entering 7th Grade next year will need a current physical examination completed within one year of the first day of school. Please check with your child's doctor's office to schedule an appointment if one is needed.
5th Grade
5th Grade Daily Planner (Please bookmark for your use). Please check your students’ take home folders and planners with them daily. Calling ALL PENCILS!!! Please remind students to bring spare pencils from home with them to school (either daily) or to store in their lockers! We are giving them the same messages here at school. THANK YOU!!!
ELA: This week students continued their freewriting unit and prepared their entry for the WSKG Writing Challenge. We will wrap up this Friday in class.
Social Studies: This week 5th graders were assigned a role on a European Exploration ship and took part in an exploration simulation. Thankfully all ships successfully crossed the Atlantic!
Science: Living Systems poetry:
Art mixed with biology
Omnivores personified
Student brains expandified
Odes to predators and preys
Lemurs rhyme and language plays
Science needs art like pizza needs cheese
So talk to your kiddo ‘bout all this, please
Chorus: The week of April 29th, 5th graders going to NYSSMA will have a chorus lesson. This is a chance for them to practice with their accompanist. Look for your name on the schedule: Chorus Lesson Schedule You can find your child’s NYSSMA time here -> Chorus NYSSMA Times
Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule If you are participating in “Penny Band” you should be working on Lesson 2 or 3.
THRIVE: Marking Period 4 Student Sign-up Form
Health: What a wonderful week one in Health class we’ve had getting to know one another and better understand what defines health. Conversations about emotional health and healthy relationships were rich, revealing the great background knowledge students hold! Next week lessons focus on disease prevention, understanding chronic diseases and how to seek reliable health information online. On Monday, we have a gardening activity with Mr. Buck, so students – please be prepared to get a little dirty from the soil!
6th Grade
6th grade planner (please bookmark this link)
***Students are in need of pencils-please make sure your student has pencils for school. Check their backpacks!! Please encourage your student to fill out their planners or check the digital planner.
Social Studies: Students spent last week learning about Judaism and Christianity. They started the week learning about Passover and eating matzo. Students finished the week starting to compare and contrast the different religions.
Math: Last week we started learning the area of rectangles and triangles. Students are putting their fraction knowledge to the test.
Science: Last week we identified rising temperatures as being the cause of many different types of events that are occurring in communities around the country. This week we are turning our attention to the atmosphere to see if we can start to determine what may be changing to cause these rising temperatures. We will also start to investigate whether these changes are just part of a normal cycle that occurs on Earth or if this is something different.
ELA: In ELA we had a celebration for finishing our narratives. We also watched “I am Eleven” , a documentary about 11 year olds around the world. We continued to read Flush and figure out Noah’s point of view on different people and events.
Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule Please encourage your NYSSMA participant to practice a little every day in this home stretch to the festival. Frequent repetition is what brings confidence. The schedule has been shared - via email and a bright orange hard copy to students. Please consider volunteering at the festival - we need many volunteers to make the festival run smoothly. Sign up here. Thank you!
Chorus: Chorus Lesson Groups / Chorus Lesson Schedule Chorus NYSSMA Times
7th Grade
7th Grade Digital Planner (Please bookmark this link.)
Please remind students to bring pencils, their Chromebook charger, and a water bottle to school.
Science: This week students researched an environmental problem to determine the causes and solutions. Groups presented their knowledge to the class. We learned about the coral reef crisis, deforestation, the hole in the ozone, acid rain, invasive species and fossil fuels.
Math 7 & Pre-Algebra: We’ve been very busy playing RISK for classroom review for the Math 7 exam on May 7th and 8th. The kids are in full grade level teams as they work to solve math problems to challenge each other on the board and try to win the game. Each day brings a new round to help the game progress! A few kids have played RISK before but it is new to most of the 7th grade so it has been fun to learn the game while also practicing the math. Our IXL National Challenge wraps up on Tuesday. I don’t know how we will fare, but as a grade we’ve completed 37,816 questions and spent 246 hours and 53 minutes practicing math skills this month! This week we’ll finish our review game. Pre-Algebra students will look at dilations and vertical/adjacent/complementary angles in addition to the review work this coming week.
Social Studies: This week we started a new unit on 19th century reform movements. We started the week talking about the working conditions in factory mills, and ended the week with a station activity on 19th century inventions.
8th Grade
Parents: Reminder--Students should be emailing their teachers when absent -- that way they can know what was covered in class. Also please follow the below steps to check assignments in your child’s Google Classrooms.
Algebra: Students worked on using a graphing calculator to perform statistical analysis. The week focused on linear regression and creating/interpreting a line of best fit. The idea of correlation vs causation was also discussed.
Math 8: Students continue to study for the math 8 exam on May 7th and 8th. Topics reviewed this week include: Solving equations, comparing rates of change, graphing linear functions, and volume.
ELA 8: Students took the NYS ELA Exam this week. After students worked hard in the morning, we watched a chunk of a movie adaptation of Anne Frank to reinforce our reading. We will finish reading Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation and will write an essay identifying the conditions and ideologies that made the Holocaust possible (Due Fri. 04/26).
Science: We are continuing our study of magnets. Students built circuits and made connections between electricity and magnetism.
Regents Earth Science: We have continued our study of Climate and also of the water cycle. Regents Review HW is due every Tuesday.
Social Studies: We kicked off this week with the Cold War & an emphasis on the arms race. Students will learn about Duck & Cover drills.
Clubs & Activities
Student Council
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 30th.
End of year dance will be on Friday June 21st from 7-9pm. The dance is open to all students in grades 5-8. There will be a DJ, and concessions sold. Presale tickets will be $5 sold at lunch during the week of the dance. Tickets at the door will be $7. Come and celebrate the end of the school year with your friends. Hope to see you there.
You must sign up for the late bus with Mr. Begeal or Ms. Salib by 1:00 PM on Tuesday.
Yearbook Club will meet on Tuesday in the Media room from 3-4:00pm.
*Students needing to ride the bus will be dismissed at 3:35pm to get on the late bus. Students getting picked up/walking home will be dismissed at 4pm.
Any student participating in Yearbook Club who needs to ride the late bus must let advisors Lisa Magee or Tammy Parker know by 12:00pm on the day of the meeting.
Order your Middle School Yearbook Now! Last day to order is May 12th!
Click YEARBOOKORDERCENTER and use school code 18914.
Washington, D.C. Trip
On Wednesday May 1st there will be a mandatory meeting for 8th grade parents with a child wishing to attend the Washington DC trip June 12-14th. The meeting will be held in the MS gym on from 7-8pm. We will be going over the trip itinerary, trip expectations, trip device policy, roommate procedure, medical form / medication requirements, and other trip logistics. We look forward to seeing all interested, eligible students and their parents.
Please contact Mr. Begeal (wbegeal@tburg.k12.ny.us) if you have any questions.
You can help to support our trip by ordering Tburg Gear through our online store.
May 15
Registration is open for SPRING PROGRAMS!
Looking for U14 Girls- Born 2010/2011
A great time to try a new sport!
Practice Tuesday evenings, 8 weekend games
Registration & information at:
Building Contacts
Main Office: Brenda Everhart, 607-387-2825
Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425
Nurse's Office: 607-387-2827
Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449
Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist
Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant
Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker
Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor
IT Help: help@tburgschools.on.spiceworks.com or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)
Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson, gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us