Middle School

Weekly Update

Week of April 21st


Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape
Cartoon Speech Bubble or Speech Balloon Illustration

Friday,4/26 will

be a B day!

Hand Drawn Basic Abstract Shape


April 23 & 24: New York State ELA test

April 26: Student Council Movie Night @7pm in the MS gym

May 7 & 8: New York State math test

Do you want to unsubscribe? email gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us

Office Updates

From Mrs. Lomax

Along with report cards being sent home on Friday, we have some fun events planned for our middle school students. Thanks to a generous grant from the Trumansburg Education Foundation, all 5th and 6th grade students will attend a dramatization of the book “Who Do You Eat?” by local author and artist, Linda Weintraub. You can read more about this multifaceted children’s book on food- and eco-systems HERE. Then, at 7pm, all students are invited to a screening of Spider Man: Far From Home in the middle school gym. Admission is free and concessions will be sold.

From Mr. Megivern

Now that the sun is shining and springtime weather is settling in, students’ use of sunglasses is on the rise. This is a friendly reminder that students are not permitted to wear their sunglasses in school. The dress code section of our handbook states: “In order to ensure that a student is engaged in learning, their face and ears must be visible. Sunglasses and masks (other than those medically necessary) are not permitted.” Thanks. 😎

From Nurse Campbell

Physical Examinations: All students entering 7th Grade next year will need a current physical examination completed within one year of the first day of school. Please check with your child's doctor's office to schedule an appointment if one is needed.


All students entering 7th Grade next year are required to have 1 dose of the meningococcal vaccine. Check with your child's doctor's office to make sure all required vaccines are up to date.

To learn more about vaccine requirements, please visit the Health Office page on our school’s website.

5th Grade

5th Grade Daily Planner (Please bookmark for your use). Please check your students’ take home folders and planners with them daily. Calling ALL PENCILS!!! Please remind students to bring spare pencils from home with them to school (either daily) or to store in their lockers! We are giving them the same messages here at school. THANK YOU!!!

ELA: This week in ELA students learned all about the WSKG Student Writing Challenge. Students discovered the contest details and have time in class (also out of it, if they choose) to craft a writing piece to enter. There is paperwork that needs to be filled out if students wish to participate. Please talk with your student at home and ask to see this form in order to enter the contest. The deadline is May 3.

Social Studies: We have begun our European Exploration unit. This week we used maps and online resources to learn more about where explorations took place and who was leading them.

Science: Biochemistry: Plants take a gas (carbon dioxide) and a liquid (water) and metabolize them into a solid (sugar) and another gas (oxygen). The products of this chemical reaction are crucial to all animal life on Earth. Also, in this chemical reaction light energy is transformed into chemical energy. Wow! Thank you, plants. Ask your young biochemist about photosynthesis!

Chorus: If students are going to NYSSMA they should be practicing and singing through their solo many times throughout the week. Use this website as a practice tool!

Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule

THRIVE: Marking Period 4 Student Sign-up Form

Health: Health 5 begins this week! Students should have a folder (to be stored in class) and loose-leaf paper. Week one is an introduction to health class practices, the course description and a brief unit on emotional health (related lessons will continue in Heath 6-8).

6th Grade

6th grade planner (please bookmark this link)

***Students are in need of pencils-please make sure your student has pencils for school. Check their backpacks!! Please encourage your student to fill out their planners or check the digital planner.

Social Studies: Students focused on learning about Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism this week. Students had a good discussion comparing and contrasting the different religions. Students also started learning about The Holocaust and will continue with that discussion next week.

Math: Students wrapped up their unit on positive and negative numbers lines. We spent time learning about absolute value. Students plotted points in all four quadrants of a coordinate plane. We ended the week with a quiz on this unit.

Science: This week students finished up the final copy of their scientific explanation for what was happening in their case site community. They then began to investigate two different phenomena happening in Alaska. Students analyzed various data sets to see if they were at all connected and also had to determine if the phenomena happening in Alaska were at all connected to the water events that were happening in their case site community. We finished up the week with a visit from the Trout in the classroom program - students looked for and identified various macroinvertebrates from Taughannock Creek samples to determine if the creek was healthy or not for our trout release in June.

ELA: We had an action-packed week in ELA! Students finished their Hero’s Journey stories. They should be so proud of the hard work they have put into these stories. We continue to read Flush and discuss characters POV (Point Of View). We also had a mini field trip to the Ulysses Philomathic Library for their book sale. Every student was able to take a book home. The ELA state test is next week and these students are ready!

Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule

Chorus: If students are going to NYSSMA they should be practicing and singing through their solo many times throughout the week. Use this website as a practice tool!

MP3 Lesson Schedule / MP3 Lesson Groups

THRIVE: Marking Period 4 Student Sign-up Form

7th Grade

7th Grade Digital Planner (Please bookmark this link.)

Please remind students to bring pencils, their Chromebook charger, and a water bottle to school.

Science: Next week, we start the fourth and final marking period. There will be an Ecology assessment on Thursday (4/25). Students have an ecology packet to review. I posted the answers to the review guide on Google Classroom. Knowing vocabulary words is essential. Students could make vocabulary cards to study.

ELA: We had an enthusiastic week as students answered challenging questions about texts in order to gain the most land on our map. Behind the competitive game, students were cheering each other on and asking important questions about central idea, tone, theme, and many more “ELA topics.” We will conclude our quest with a group essay on Monday. Then we will embark on a journey this week into characterization, plot, perspective, and the importance of accepting everyone..

Math 7 & Pre-Algebra: We worked on unit rates, percents and percent change this week in both Math 7 and Pre-Algebra. In Pre-Algebra we also learned how to fill in two way frequency tables and how to simplify square roots. Next week we’ll start our review competition using the game of Risk as our base. It will be a full grade level challenge with teams that span classes. Please encourage your student to stay up with assignments and to participate in the IXL national challenge. We have a lot of kids that are working hard at this and many that I’d love to see participate more. The contest wraps up on April 30th!

Music: Music: Reminder that students will need CHARGED chromebooks in class every day for the next few weeks as we work on our BandLab unit. This week, we learned how to use BandLab with various in-class assignments and activities. Next week, students will have a chance to put those skills to use in order to create something that sounds GREAT on their own.

7/8 Band: WOW, we are busy in the band world right now. Please check in with your students to see how they think they are doing with the following:

  • Band music. We have been working on this music during rehearsals since January. They know how their part is supposed to sound. Can they play it correctly?
  • NYSSMA solos. If your student is going to NYSSMA Solo fest, please make sure to check out THIS countdown calendar as well as a list of things they should be playing EACH time they practice. Short stints of practice often are better than long sessions sporadically!

7/8 Band Lesson Schedule/Groups- week of 4/22

Chorus: If students are going to NYSSMA they should be practicing and singing through their solo many times throughout the week. Use this website as a practice tool!

Lesson Schedule

THRIVE: Marking Period 4 Student Sign-up Form

8th Grade

Parents: Reminder--Students should be emailing their teachers when absent -- that way they can know what was covered in class. Also please follow the below steps to check assignments in your child’s Google Classrooms.

Algebra: Students began their final unit of study on statistics. Topics covered this week included central tendency and how to construct/interpret various displays of data. We looked at box plots, dot plots, histograms, and two-way tables. Next week we will cover linear regression and how to best fit a trend line to data.

Math 8: Students took a quiz on exponent laws on monday. We are now reviewing for the NYS math 8 exam on May 7th and 8th.

Science: Students completed the NYS Science Test this past Tuesday. We are continuing our study on electromagnets. Students were investigating the factors that influence the strength of a permanent magnet.

Regents Earth Science: We finished our unit on meteorology and are beginning our unit on climate. Students are looking at the factors that influence climate for a region. Regents Review #2 is due on Tuesday, April 23.

Social Studies: History students have created some impressive Civic Readiness projects.

Chorus: If students are going to NYSSMA they should be practicing and singing through their solo many times throughout the week. Use this website as a practice tool! Lesson Schedule / Lesson Groups

7/8 Band: WOW, we are busy in the band world right now. Please check in with your students to see how they think they are doing with the following:

  • Band music. We have been working on this music during rehearsals since January. They know how their part is supposed to sound. Can they play it correctly?
  • NYSSMA solos. If your student is going to NYSSMA Solo fest, please make sure to check out THIS countdown calendar as well as a list of things they should be playing EACH time they practice. Short stints of practice often are better than long sessions sporadically!

7/8 Band Lesson Schedule/Groups- week of 4/22

THRIVE: Marking Period 4 Student Sign-up Form

Google Classroom for Parents

Looking for your student’s assignments? Follow these steps:

Circled 3
Circled 4
Circled 2 C

Clubs & Activities

Student Council

There will be a movie night on Friday April 26th from 7-9 pm in the MS gym. The movie shown will be Spider Man - Far From Home. Rated pg-13. Rating is based on mild profanity, moderate violence, & moderate gore. Check out the Parent’s Guide on Common Sense Media here. Students in grades 5 and 6 will need to bring a parent permission form with them to attend the movie. Admission is free. There will be concessions sold. Hope to see you there.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 30th. Watch for information about our upcoming movie night and end of the year dance!

You must sign up for the late bus with Mr. Begeal or Ms. Salib by 1:00 PM on Tuesday.


Yearbook Club will meet on Tuesday, April 23rd in the Media room from 3-4:00pm.

*Students needing to ride the bus will be dismissed at 3:35pm to get on the late bus. Students getting picked up/walking home will be dismissed at 4pm.

Any student participating in Yearbook Club who needs to ride the late bus must let advisors Lisa Magee or Tammy Parker know by 12:00pm on the day of the meeting.

Order your Middle School Yearbook Now! Last day to order is May 12th!

Click YEARBOOKORDERCENTER and use school code 18914.

Washington, D.C. Trip

On Wednesday May 1st there will be a mandatory meeting for 8th grade parents with a child wishing to attend the Washington DC trip June 12-14th. The meeting will be held in the MS gym on from 7-8pm. We will be going over the trip itinerary, trip expectations, trip device policy, roommate procedure, medical form / medication requirements, and other trip logistics. We look forward to seeing all interested, eligible students and their parents.

Please contact Mr. Begeal (wbegeal@tburg.k12.ny.us) if you have any questions.

You can help to support our trip by ordering Tburg Gear through our online store.


Please be sure to follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tburgpto

More May Day 5K info


May 15

Registration is open for SPRING PROGRAMS!

Looking for U14 Girls- Born 2010/2011

A great time to try a new sport!

Practice Tuesday evenings, 8 weekend games

Registration & information at:




Building Contacts

Main Office: Brenda Everhart, 607-387-2825

Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425

Nurse's Office: 607-387-2827

Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449

Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist

Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant

Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker

Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor

IT Help: help@tburgschools.on.spiceworks.com or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)

Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson, gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us