Weekly Update

  • Week of 3/2
  • 01

Middle School


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Friday is a
B day

Thursday, 3/6: Yearbook Club meeting

Friday, 3/7: Staff Slam

Office Updates

From Mrs. Lomax

It has been wonderful to see our students back in our hallways and classrooms this week. Please remember that we're offering extra help sessions after school this week on Tuesday and Thursday. Students can receive support in any subject area; they just need to sign up with a teacher. Additionally, we invite you to mark your calendars for this Friday's Staff Slam, where you can watch your favorite teachers compete and showcase their hidden talents. The event will be held in the high school gym, with doors opening at 5:00 PM. Tickets are $5 per person. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday! Go Doigs!

From Nurse Campbell

Scoliosis Screening (lateral curvature of the spine) is mandated by New York State Education Law for Girls in grades 5 and 7 who did not have a scoliosis screening noted on their most recent health certificate (the physical exam completed by a private healthcare provider). Screenings are conducted by the school nurse, and a letter will be mailed home to notify a student's parent/guardian if screening was completed at school and the results..

Girls Modified Basketball Game Schedule

Monday, 3/3


Tuesday, 3/4

4:30@ Southern Cayuga

Thursday, 3/6

@4:40 @ home v Marathon


It’s time to sign up for Modified Spring Sports on Family ID. Track and Field starts March 24th. Softball and Baseball start March 31st. The spring sport parent meeting is Wednesday, March 12th at 6pm in the HS library.

5th Grade

5th Grade Daily Planner Our collection of left-behind clothing is growing and now includes several winter coats. Is your child looking chilly outside in just a hoodie? Please remind them to have a look for missing gear.

Science: The Earth is one huge complex system. This week we will be analyzing the interactions among four Earth subsystems: biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere. We will look at how one invasive species - the emerald ash borer - is affecting all four systems in central New York. We will also make our picks for round one of March Mammal Madness.

Social Studies: This week the 5th graders have been working on their Mesoamerican Museum exhibit. We are hoping to finish the creations on Tuesday and open the museum by the end of the week.

Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule

Health: Great conversations were had this week about the impacts of bullying. Students shared ideas about how to protect themselves and others, and learned steps to ensure a safer community for all. Next week we will continue to explore topics related to violence and injury protection: boundaries, fights, when friends need help, media messages & casual cruelty, and use creativity for a project-based health advocacy campaign.

6th Grade

Here is a link to the planner-please bookmark this page. Sixth grade students are in need of pencils!!! Please make sure your student has some.

ELA: The final copy of our narrative was due Friday! Woohooo! We spent the week conferencing with teachers and peers, and making revisions. Many students were able to use feedback to make important changes to their writing. We also continued reading and discussing the graphic novel New Kid. Last week, we took our summary assessment.

Math: The students worked really hard solving 1-step algebraic equations last week and showed good understanding by the end of the week. They took a quiz on Friday and will get that back sometime this week. There were 2 homework assignments last week and there will be again this week, so please help your student manage their time in order to get both assignments done by classtime on Friday. Afterschool on Tues and Thurs is a great time to work on homework. If your child is in the musical, they can still stay with a teacher until 3:30 on Tues and Thurs before rehearsal; they will not be late to rehearsal.

Science: In science this week our focus was on using evidence and math to determine where the continents were 150-200 million years ago. Students used a variety of collected evidence to create a model of the continents. Next week our focus will turn to what else is happening on the Earth to shape and change the land.

Social Studies: We finished up Ancient Egypt with an assessment. We also spent time looking at a new discovery of a Pharaoh's tomb!! It is an amazing discovery. We will move on to Ancient China next week.

Band: Mrs. Posegate’s Lesson Schedule

Chorus: Chorus Lessons 2/24-2/28

7th Grade

Please have students bring a water bottle to school everyday. This is the 7th grade weekly planner. Please bookmark it.

Science: This week, we focused on populations of organisms, particularly orangutans, to understand what it means to have a healthy population. I want to remind you that next
Thursday, 3/6, we will have an assessment that will examine data on populations.

ELA 7: This past week, we worked on answering the question: What is the structure of this nonfiction text? How do you know? This coming week, we will build on this skill and begin to
analyze how the parts of nonfiction texts are related.

Rattenborg’s Small Class ELA 7: We read Rudyard Kipling’s short story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and did a media literacy lesson on corroborating information found on YouTube with other

Math 7 & Pre-Algebra: Pi Day is coming up on Friday March 14th. Please sign up to help us serve pie and/or bring a pie for us to enjoy. View the sign-up. This week we really got into our
Expressions unit as we worked with evaluating and simplifying expressions. One of our highlights was a small group interactive game. It was great to see the enthusiasm and the
competition within the groups. View our photos for week 24. Next week we’ll work more with expressions as start to work with solving equations. Pre-Algebra students spent time this
week learning the Pythagorean Theorem and they worked with quite complex expressions. Ask your child to tell you about how TVs are measured and have them show you some of their
drawings from real-world Pythagorean Theorem problems. They are pretty fun! View the Week 25 Agenda.

Chorus: Chorus Lessons 2/24-2/28

Music: We are playing guitar! This week, we learned some fingerpicking exercises and started learning a few chords. Next week, we will continue adding to our list of chords in
preparation for learning our first song.

7/8 Band: There is A LOT to practice! We have NYSSMA Majors, our concert, and NYSSMA solo and ensemble festival coming up. Students were issued a challenge this week: practice
AT LEAST 3 times a week for 2 consecutive weeks. See details here:
Be a Band Baddie Students who complete the challenge will be invited to a pizza lunch.

7/8 Band Course Outline/Concert Dates

7/8 Band Lesson Schedule/Groups week of 3/3

8th Grade

Science 8: We have been studying Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion. Students experimented using marbles and ramps to see the transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy.

Regents Earth Science: We have wrapped up our Geologic Time unit with studies of radioactive decay. Students did a lab to see the rate of decay using M&M’s. Their unit test will be this coming week, then we will move on to study meteorology.

Kotler’s ELA 8: This week, students are identifying key events in the American Civil Rights Movement (Plessy v. Ferguson; Brown v. BOE), read and learn about Harriett Tubman’s history in Central NY, and discuss history as narrative. This work will launch us into women’s history biography research and methods of civil discourse (how to respectfully have difficult conversations).

Rattenborg’s Small Class ELA 8: We read Rudyard Kipling’s short story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and did a media literacy lesson on corroborating information found on YouTube with other sources.

Social Studies: We look at the impact of WWI on the American homefront, weaponry of WWI, and how the war ended.

Chorus: : Chorus Lessons 2/24-2/28

7/8 Band: There is A LOT to practice! We have NYSSMA Majors, our concert, and NYSSMA solo and ensemble festival coming up. Students were issued a challenge this week: practice AT LEAST 3 times a week for 2 consecutive weeks. See details here: Be a Band Baddie Students who complete the challenge will be invited to a pizza lunch.

7/8 Band Course Outline/Concert Dates

7/8 Band Lesson Schedule/Groups week of 3/3

Clubs & Activities

Join us Friday, March 7th for Staff Slam!

Our annual faculty & staff basketball competition between the Elementary School, Middle School, High School & Grounds and Transportation.

Doors open at 5pm. $5 admission, children under 5 are free.

Dance Party begins at 5:30pm with B Games begin at 6pm.

Food & Baked Goods For Sale; Raffles, Shoot the Hoop & Half Court Contests; Free Face Painting & Ice Cream and opportunity to visit various Community Organizations in the cafeteria!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Come and serve support for our event staff or bake some sweet treats to donate to our sale! Click here to sign up.

This is a CASH ONLY event. We hope to see you there!

Clubs & Activities

Our next meeting is Tuesday March 11th. . Hope to see you there.

We are currently planning an Ice Skating Event for Friday March 14th from 3-5:30 at the Cass Park Ice Rink. Space is limited and costs of bus and admission will be covered by student council. Stay tuned next week for more details.

6-8 Student Council will meet on

Late bus riders will need to sign up for the late bus by 1pm - please see a teacher for help with this.

Student Council


Yearbook Club will meet in the Media room from 3-4pm on the following dates:

Don’t forget to sign-up with Ms.Magee or Mrs. Parker to ride the late bus. Students riding the late bus will leave at 3:30pm.


3/6 (Thursday)*

3/13 (Thursday)*

3/18 (Tuesday)*

3/25 (Tuesday)

Order your Middle School Yearbook- Yearbook Order Center

Minecraft Club

Check signs around school for our meeting dates!

Late bus riders will need to sign up for the late bus by 1pm - please see a teacher for help with this.


Sign Up Now

Building Contacts

Main Office: 607-387-2825

Attendance: Lauren Conners, 607-387-7551, x1425

Nurse's Office: 607-387-2827

Student Services Team: 607-387-7551 ext. 1449

Bryce DeSantis, School Psychologist

Lisa Magee, Administrative Assistant

Brian Cobb, LCSW, Social Worker

Claire Valletta, Guidance Counselor

IT Help: help@tburgschools.on.spiceworks.com or 607-288-2821 (Monday - Friday 8 am to 4pm)

Newsletter items/help/unsubscribe: Gail Brisson, gbrisson@tburg.k12.ny.us